Changes in the Management Board of RHI AG (ad hoc)

20. August 2010

Tonight, Thomas Fahnemann, CEO of RHI AG, requested to the supervisory board to resign from the company for personal reasons, effective immediately. The supervisory board agreed to his request and a mutually agreed upon solution was reached.

The RHI AG supervisory board appreciates Mr. Fahnemann’s leadership in dealing with the economic crisis. Today, the company has returned to a successful growth path.

Also, effective immediately, the RHI supervisory board appointed Henning E. Jensen as “Sprecher des Vorstandes” in addition to his current role as CFO of RHI AG. The management board of RHI AG now consists of three members: Henning E. Jensen – “Sprecher des Vorstandes” and CFO, Giorgio Cappelli – COO Division Steel and Manfred Hödl – COO Division lndustrial.