RHI Refractories extends refractories capacity in China further

20. December 2006

RHI Refractories currently produces high-grade refractories solutions for the markets China, Asia/Pacific, Near and Middle East, Russia and North America at four locations in China. The plant in Bayuquan, commissioned in 1996, has been extended in several steps to its current annual capacity of 100,000 tonnes. In 2004, RHI’s first plant in Dalian was established with a capacity of 40,000 tonnes. This plant’s capacity has since been increased to 100,000 tonnes. In 2005, RHI established a production facility for fused cast refractory products for the glass industry in Zibo City in cooperation with a joint venture partner. In August 2006, RHI opened its second plant in Dalian for the production of isostatically pressed flow control products for the steel industry.

Due to the expected increase in sales volume in the future, especially in the industrial segment with the customer industries cement, lime, nonferrous metals and glass, and to safeguard the organic growth targets for 2010, RHI will extend the first Dalian plant once again by adding a production line for 35,000 tonnes of fired magnesia bricks. Total capital expenditure is budgeted at EUR 12 million; the extension measures are scheduled to be completed by the end of 2007.

RHI Refractories will thus be able to competitively cover the increasing demand for high-quality refractory products especially among customers in the Asia/Pacific region. The raw materials required for the production are supplied locally in China from the raw materials joint venture in the Liaoning province, in which RHI acquired an 80% share in March 2006.

The RHI Group will in the future focus exclusively on extending its position as the world market leader in refractories under the RHI Refractories brand. Worldwide, there are good opportunities to sustainably expand the excellent market position and earnings power of RHI Refractories in the coming years. The objective is to increase the revenue of currently approx. EUR 1.3 billion to EUR 2.0 billion by the year 2010 through organic growth and acquisitions.