Beneficial holders wishing to claim a refund from Austrian Withholding Taxes should take the following steps:
For further information please visit the following website:
RHI Magnesita is a public company with limited liability under Dutch law and was incorporated on June 20, 2017. It has its corporate seat in Arnhem, the Netherlands.
RHI Magnesita administrative seat is in Vienna, Austria and its registered office at Kranichberggasse 6, 1120 Vienna, Austria. The Company is registered with the Dutch Trade Register of the Chamber of Commerce under the number 68991665.
You can purchase shares in RHIM through a stock broker, bank or a financial institution that provides brokerage services.
The London Stock Exchange has a “Locate a broker” service.
Only a very limited number of our investors directly hold shares in their own name and qualify as a Shareholder and only CREST Members qualify as Depositary Interest Holders. Almost all of our investors, including former RHI AG shareholders, hold their interest through a broker, bank or nominee (or in a similar manner) and are neither a Shareholder nor a Depositary Interest Holder.
You should contact your bank, broker or nominee who will administer your shareholding on your behalf. The share structure for RHI means there are no share certificates with all investment being held through a bank, broker or nominee. This may be in the form of Depositary Interests or shares held through Euroclear Netherlands.
The Issuer is considered tax resident in Austria under the tax rules of Austria and under the double taxation treaty between Austria and the Netherlands.
We recommend you obtain independent financial advice.
For more information about the upcoming Annual General Meeting, please visit our website.
If you hold your interest through a broker, bank or nominee (or similar) you should normally receive directions from such broker, bank or nominee (or similar) on how to attend and vote at the AGM or how to give a proxy or voting instructions. These directions should be followed. If you have not received such directions, it would be advisable to contact your broker, bank or nominee (or similar) as soon as possible.
To request a hard copy of our annual report, please email us at Simply let us know you’d like a printed copy, and we’ll be happy to send it to you by post.
The shares traded on the London Stock Exchange for RHI Magnesita are settled as Depositary Interests. Depositary Interests for RHI Magnesita are issued by our Depositary, Computershare Investor Services plc, who can be contacted using the below details:
Computershare Investor Services PLC
The Pavilions,
Bridgwater Road
Bristol BS99 6ZZ
United Kingdom
T: +44 (0) 370 702 0000
RHI Magnesita advises that if shareholders are suspicious, they should report it to the FCA on 0800 111 6768 or through