RHI confirms result 2008

23. April 2009

At its meeting on 22 April 2009, the RHI Supervisory Board approved the annual financial statements 2008 of RHI AG as well as the consolidated financial statements 2008. The preliminary results published on 12 March 2009 have thus been confirmed.


in € million 2008 2007 Change
Revenues 1,596.7 1,467.6 8.8%
EBITDA 216,1 217 -0.4%
EBITDA margin in % 13,5 14,8 -8.5%
EBIT 148,4 165,8 -10.5%
EBIT margin in % 9,3 11,3 -17.7%
Profit before income taxes 113,4 128,2 -11.5%
Profit for the year 101,8 113,1 -10.0%
Diluted earnings per share in € 2,51 2,82 -11.0%


all figures refer to continuing operations

As announced previously, the Management Board of RHI AG will propose to the Annual General Meeting on 28 May 2009 to carry forward the accumulated profit 2008 of RHI AG in its entirety with a view to the difficult economic situation and to strengthen equity.

Outlook on 2009 Due to the generally difficult economic climate, RHI expects a significant decline in revenues and earnings based on the current framework conditions. However, the decline in price and volume is offset by decreasing raw material and energy costs as well as by a structural optimisation and cost saving programme totalling EUR 80 million.